Bridge of Heaven, Sunday, September 11, 2005
Kathy on the Bridge of Heaven
Our final day, Sunday, we got a good workout--we hiked the Horsethief trail to Bridge of Heaven. We had intended to do this trail two years ago as part of a loop with Bear Creek Trail and make a three day backpacking trip out of it, but our plans were stymied by snow that covered the higher elevations.
Trail leading up to the Bridge of Heaven
We had a beautiful sunny day for the hike, but very windy, especially on top. In fact, we had to come down off the top to find shelter from the wind for our lunch break. This was the first trail all week that we didn't have all to ourselves. The views from the top are fantastic; in fact, the whole trail is very nice, but rigorous.
View of the Sneffels Range from the Bridge of Heaven
Dinner was at the Buen Tiempo (again). We stopped by Mouse's Chocolates to pick up some truffles for the trip home.